SCARF is actively involved in research, and in collaborations with national and international agencies, to help understand the mechanisms underlying various mental disorders and transform the findings into effective interventions for the MI.
The objective is also to develop and replicate innovative service delivery models and build capacities for research. SCARF’s contribution to research resulted in WHO recognizing us as a Collaborating Centre for Mental Health research and training.
Research Areas
First episode Psychosis, School & Youth mental health, Course & Outcome of SchizophreniaResearch Areas
- Untreated Psychosis
- Telepsychiatry
- Biological research
- Dementia research
- Cognition in Schizophrenia
- Development of instruments
- CBR & Community interventions
- Stigma
- Disability & Functioning
Designated among the top 11 Medical Research Foundations in IndiaHighlights
- Ranked 4 on H-index
- Over 100 projects completed
- Over 400 publications-journals, monographs, book chapters
- Ongoing research projects
NIMHANS, Bangalore, AIIMS, New Delhi & Many morePUBLICATIONS
- An assessment of post-tsunami psychosocial training programmes in Tamil nadu, India, Thara R, Rao K & John S , Inter. J of Social Psychiatry, vol.54 (3), 197-205, 2008.
- Strong Evidence for a Novel Schizophrenia Risk Locus on Chromosome 1p31.1 in Homogeneous Pedigrees From Tamil Nadu, India. Holliday EG, Nyholt DR, Tirupati S, John S, Ramachandran P, Ramamurti M, Ramadoss AJ, Jeyagurunathan A, Kottiswaran S, Smith HJ, Filippich C, Nertney DA, Nancarrow DJ, Hayward NK, Watkins WS, Jorde LB, Thara R, Mowry BJ. Am J Psychiatry. 2008 Oct 1.
- Anuradha S, Latha Srinivasan, Padmavati R. (March 2008) Neuropsychological functioning of children of patients with schizophrenia.
- Community mental health in India: A rethink. Thara R, Padmavati R, Aynkran JR, John S. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2008 Jul 14; 2(1): 11
- The Lancet’s series on global mental health: 1 year on. Patel V, Garrison P, de Jesus Mari J, Minas H, Prince M, Saxena S; Advisory group of the Movement for Global Mental Health. Lancet. 2008 Oct 11; 372(9646): 1354-7
- Genetic variation in South Indian castes: evidence from Y-chromosome, mitochondrial, and autosomal polymorphisms. WS Watkins, R Thara, BJ Mowry, Y Zhang, DJ Witherspoon, W Tolpinrud, MJ Bamshad, S Tirupati, R Padmavati, H Smith, D Nancarrow, C Filippich and LB Jorde. BMC Genetics 2008 December, 9: 86
- Psychotic Disorders and Schizophrenia. Thara R, API textbook of Medicine 2008, 8th Edition, Volume 2: 1327-1330, Editor: Siddharth N.Shah
- Global pattern of experienced and anticipated discrimination against people with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional survey. Thornicroft G, Brohan E, Rose D, Sartorius N, Leese M; INDIGO Study Group. Lancet. 2009 Jan 31; 373 (9661): 408-15. Epub 2009 Jan 21.
- The fine-scaled human genetic structure revealed by SNP microarrays. Xing J, Watkins WS, Witherspoon DJ, Zhang Y, Guthery SL, Thara R, Mowry BJ, Bulayeva K, Weiss RB, Jorde LB. Genome Res. 2009 May; 19(5): 815-25.
- Mental health in Tamil cinema. Mangala R, Thara R. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2009 Jun; 21(3): 224-8.
- Design and clinical characteristics of a homogeneous schizophrenia pedigree sample from Tamil Nadu, India. Thara R, Srinivasan T, John S, Nancarrow D, Chant D, Holliday E, Mowry B. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2009 Jun; 43(6): 561-70.
- Packages of care for schizophrenia in low- and middle-income countries. de Jesus MJ, Razzouk D, Thara R, Eaton J, Thornicroft G. PLoS Med. 2009 Oct; 6(10): e1000165. Epub 2009 Oct 20
- Subjective memory deficits in people with and without dementia: findings from the 10/66 dementia research group pilot studies in low- and middle-income countries. 10/66 Dementia Research Group. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009 Nov; 57(11): 2118-24.
- Psychotic disorders and bipolar affective disorder. Thara R & Padmavati R, 2009 Contemporary topics in Women’s Mental Health. Ed. Chandra, Herrman et al John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- WPA guidance on steps, obstacles and mistakes to avoid in the implementation of community mental health care. Thornicroft G, Alem A, Antunes Dos Santos R, Barley E, Drake RE, Gregorio G, Hanlon C, Ito H, Latimer E, Law A, Mari J, McGeorge P, Padmavati R, Razzouk D, Semrau M, Setoya Y, Thara R, Wondimagegn D. World Psychiatry. 2010 Jun;9(2):67-77.
- Preliminary findings from a study of first-episode psychosis in Montreal, Canada and Chennai, India: comparison of outcomes. Iyer SN, Mangala R, Thara R, Malla AK. Schizophr Res. 2010 Aug;121(1-3):227-33.
- Role of non-governmental organizations in mental health in India R Thara, Vikram Patel Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Year 2010, Volume 52, Issue 7 [p. 389-395]
- Low prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome in never treated chronic schizophrenia. Padmavati R., Tirupati S., McCreadie R.G Schizophrenia Research. 2010 Aug;121(1-3):199-202. Epub 2010 Jun 9. PubMed PMID: 20538429.
- Publications on community psychiatry .Thara R, Rameshkumar S, Mohan CG.. Indian J Psychiatry. 2010 Jan;52(Suppl 1):S274-7.
- Metabolic Syndrome in mental disorders. Commentary. Padmavati R Indian Journal of Med Res.131, January 2010 pp 11-13
- Social psychiatry in India. Thara R & Padmavati R. Principles of Social Psychiatry, second edition. Edited by Craig Morgan and Dinesh Bhugra 2010, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Dhwani Kumar, RachnaManek , VijayaRaghavan & Kevin K.Wang. Protein Characterization of Extracellular Microvesicles/Exosomes Released from Cytotoxin-Challenged Rat Cerebrocortical Mixed Culture and Mouse N2a Cells, MolNeurobiol DOI 10.1007/s12035-017-0474-x
- VijayaRaghavan. Role of exosomes in psychiatric disorders, Asian Journal of Psychiatry 28 (2017) 78–79
- Kevin K. Wang, Zhihui Yang, George Sarkis, Isabel Torres & VijayaRaghavan (2017): Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) as a therapeutic and diagnostic target in neurodegeneration, neurotrauma and neuro-injuries, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, DOI: 10.1080/14728222.2017.1321635
- Raghavan V, Prevalence of pathological gambling in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome attending a tertiary care center in South India. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Apr;26:92-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.01.007. Epub 2017 Jan 22.
- Raghavan V, Mohan G, Gopal S. Felt needs of primary caregivers of individualswith schizophrenia: A study from South India. Asian JPsychiatr. 2017 Oct;29:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.04.007. Epub 2017 Apr 13. PubMed PMID: 29061400.
- Sriram P, Raghavan V. Pheochromocytoma presenting as anxiety disorder: A case report. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Oct;29:83-84. doi:10.1016/j.ajp.2017.05.001.Epub 2017 May 2. PubMed PMID: 29061435.
- Psychiatric advance statements: An Indian experience. Kumar TC, John S, Gopal S, Mohan G, Joseph J, Study Group P, Rangaswamy T. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2012 Apr 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Using mobile telepsychiatry to close the mental health gap. Thara R. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2012 Jun;14(3):167-8.
- Refining clinical phenotypes by contrasting ethnically different populations with schizophrenia from Australia, India and Sarawak. McLean D, John S, Barrett R, McGrath J, Loa P, Thara R, Mowry B. Psychiatry Res. 2012 Apr 30;196(2-3):194-200. Epub 2012 Mar 7.
- Psychiatric advance directives: challenges of implementation. Thara R, Rameshkumar TC.Indian J Med Ethics. 2012 Apr-Jun;9(2):108.
- Prevalence of diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome in subjects with and without schizophrenia (CURES-104). Subashini R, Deepa M, Padmavati R, Thara R, Mohan V. J Postgrad Med. 2011 Oct-Dec;57(4):272-7.
- The development of a lay health worker delivered collaborative community based intervention for people with schizophrenia in India. Balaji M, Chatterjee S, Koschorke M, Rangaswamy T, Chavan A, Dabholkar H, Dakshin L, Kumar P, John S, Thornicroft G, Patel V. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012 Feb 16;12:42.
- Intervention for first episode psychosis in India – The SCARF experience. Thara Rangaswamy, Ramamurthy Mangala, Greeshma Mohan, Jainey Joseph, Sujit John Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Volume 5, Issue 1 , Pages 58-62, March 2012
- Schizophrenia and its Correlation with Parental Age. Ajay Risal, Hema Tharoor Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine. 2012; 1(1): 8-11
- Early Intervention for First-episode Psychosis in India, T Rangaswamy, R Mangala, G Mohan, J Joseph, S John, East Asian Arch Psychiatry 2012;22:94-9
- Twenty-five years of schizophrenia: The Madras longitudinal study. Rangaswamy T. Indian J psychiatry. 2012 Apr;54(2):134-7.
- Consumer perceptions of recovery: an Indian perspective. Thara R. World Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;11(3):169-70.
- Editorial Rangaswamy T, Gureje O. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;24(5):385-6.
- Course and outcome of schizophrenia. Rangaswamy T, Greeshma M. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;24(5):417-22.
- Psychosocial rehabilitation in developing countries. Rangaswamy T, Sujit J.Int Rev Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;24(5):499-503.
- Outcomes that matter: A qualitative study with persons with schizophrenia and their primary caregivers in India. Balaji M, Chatterjee S, Brennan B, Rangaswamy T, Thornicroft G, Patel V. Asian J Psychiatr. 2012 Sep;5(3):258-65.
- Community mental health services for the mentally ill: Practices and ethics. Padmavati R. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2012 Oct;24(5):504-10.
- Surreptitious practices in the management of persons with serious mental illnesses – Perspectives from the schizophrenia research foundation. Ramachandran P, Rangaswamy T. Indian J Psychiatry. 2012 Jul;54(3):273-5.
- Thara R, Sujit J. Mobile telepsychiatry in India. World Psychiatry. 2013 Feb;12(1):84.
- Tharoor H, Kotambail A, Jain S, Sharma PS, Satyamoorthy K, “ Study of the association of serotonin transporter triallelic 5-HTTLPR and STin2 VNTR polymorphisms with lithium prophylaxis response in bipolar disorder”. Psychiatr Genet. 2013 Apr; 23(2):77-81.
- R. Thara, Sujit John, and Sudipto Chatterjee Comprehensive Care for Patients in the Developing World- Lessons in Facing Challenges International Journal of Mental Health, vol. 42, no. 1, Spring 2013, pp. 78–91.
- Thara R, Padmavati R. Community mental health care in South Asia. World Psychiatry. 2013 Jun;12(2):176-7.
- McLean D, Barrett R, Loa P, Thara R, John S, McGrath J, Gratten J, Mowry B. “Comparing schizophrenia symptoms in the Iban of Sarawak with other populations to elucidate clinical heterogeneity” Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2013 Aug 22.
- R. Thara, S. John, S. Chatterjee. “ Community mental health teams in low and middle income countries” Accepted for publication in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences Nov 2013
- Subhashini Gopal, Tony Henderson .”Transcultural perspectives of recovery from severe enduring mental illness: A collaboration between the Schizophrenia Research Foundation (India) and University of Western Australia” Transcultural Dialogue, Pg-6, Vol. 2(2), Dec 2013
- Bagchi P, Preeti R, Verma T.K, Sushma N And Somashekhar R , “Neuro-Forensic Psychology In Borderline Personality Disorder” Neuroscience Research Letters, pp.-46-53 Volume 4, Issue 1, 2013.
- Tharoor H, Padmavati R. Tardive dyskinesia with low dose amisulpride. Indian J Psychiatry 2013; 55:84-5.
- Grover S, Nebhinani N, Padmavati R, Chadda RK, Tirupati S, Pallava A. Metabolic syndrome in antipsychotic naïve patients with schizophrenia: pooled analysis of data from three Indian studies. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 20. doi: 10.1111/eip.12117.
- Uwakwe Richard, Ramachandran Padmavati, De Hert Marc, Hasnain Mehrul, Vancamfort Davy, Omoaregba Joyce, Mohammed Jidda , Hjorth Peter, Modebe Ifeoma, Haider Imran, Ogualili Placidus, Haddad Peter, Jorgensen Povl, Kilian Reinhold, Becker Thomas, Blankehorn Dorothea” Monitoring and management of cardiometabolic risk factors in schizophrenia- A global perspective: rationale, aims and methods”. Open Science Journal of Clinical Medicine 2014; 2(1): 24-32
- Sudipto Chatterjee, Smita Naik, Hamid Dabholkar, Padmavati R, Sujit John, Mirja Koschorke, Rangaswamy Thara: “Trials of interventions for people with psychosis” (Pg 141-159) in Global Mental Health Trials, Edited by Graham Thornicroft and Vikram Pate, Oxford University Press, London, 2014
- Chatterjee S, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M, Koschorke M, Varghese M, Thara R, Weiss HA, Williams P, McCrone P, Patel V, Thornicroft G. Effectiveness of a community-based intervention for people with schizophrenia and their caregivers in India (COPSI): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2014 Apr 19;383(9926):1385-94.
- Uwakwe Richard, Ramachandran Padmavati, De Hert Marc, Hasnain Mehrul, Vancamfort Davy, Omoaregba Joyce, Mohammed Jidda , Hjorth Peter, Modebe Ifeoma, Haider Imran, Ogualili Placidus, Haddad Peter, Jorgensen Povl, Kilian Reinhold, Becker Thomas, Blankehorn Dorothea” Monitoring and management of cardiometabolic risk factors in schizophrenia- A global perspective: rationale, aims and methods”. Open Science Journal of Clinical Medicine 2014; 2(1): 24-32
- Sudipto Chatterjee, Smita Naik, Hamid Dabholkar, Padmavati R, Sujit John, Mirja Koschorke, Rangaswamy Thara: “Trials of interventions for people with psychosis” (Pg 141-159) in Global Mental Health Trials, Edited by Graham Thornicroft and Vikram Pate, Oxford University Press, London, 2014
- McLean D, Thara R, John S, Barrett R, Loa P, McGrath J, Mowry B. DSM-IV “Criterion A” Schizophrenia Symptoms Across Ethnically Different Populations: Evidence for Differing Psychotic Symptom Content or Structural Organization?. Cult Med Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 1.
- Chatterjee S, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M, Koschorke M, Varghese M, Thara R, Weiss HA, Williams P, McCrone P, Patel V, Thornicroft G. Effectiveness of a community-based intervention for people with schizophrenia and their caregivers in India (COPSI): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2014 Apr 19;383(9926):1385-94.
- Padmavati R “ Stigmatization and exclusion”, Chapter 9 pp 85-92. In Essentials of Global Mental Health, ed. Samuel 0. Okpaku. Published by Cambridge University Press. 2014
- Arthi G ,Tharoor H “Management of Schizophrenia in Women”. Indian Journal of Private Psychiatry, April 2014, Vol 8 (1) pp 13-18.
- R. Thara, S. John, S. Chatterjee. “ Community mental health teams in low and middle income countries” Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 2014 Jun;23(2):119-22.
- Thara R, Tharoor H “Women’s mental health” In Essentials of Global Mental Health, ed. Samuel 0. Okpaku. Published by Cambridge University Press. 2014
- Koschorke M, Padmavati R , Kumar S, Cohen A, Weiss HA, Chatterjee S, Pereira J, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M, Chavan A, Varghese M, Thara.R, Thornicroft G, Patel V. “Experiences of stigma and discrimination of people with schizophrenia in India” Social Science & Medicine 123 (2014) 149-159
- Luhrmann TM, Padmavati R, Tharoor H, Osei A. “Differences in voice-hearing experiences of people with psychosis in the USA, India and Ghana: interview-based study.” British Journal of Psychiatry. 2015 Jan;206(1):41-4
- Craig Morgan, Maia Hibben, Oluyomi Esan, Sujit John, Vikram Patel, Helen A. Weiss, Robin M. Murray, Gerard Hutchinson, Oye Gureje, Rangaswamy Thara, and Alex Cohen” Systems for Detecting Untreated and First Episode Cases of Psychosis in Diverse Settings ” Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2015 Jun;50(6):879-93
- Tharoor H, Kaliappan A, Gopal S. Sexual dysfunctions in schizophrenia: Professionals and patients perspectives. Indian J Psychiatry 2015;57:85-7.
- Chatterjee S, Kieselbach B, Naik S, Kumar S, Balaji M, Koschorke M, Dabholkar H, John S, Varghese M, Pate V, Thornicroft G, Rangaswamy T, “ Customizing informed consent procedures for people with schizophrenia in India”, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Volume 50, Issue 10 (2015), Page 1527-1536
- Subhashini G & Hema Tharoor . “Childhood obsessive compulsive disorder- a case of love, ghosts and blood” (pages 6 to 9), in Complicated cases in obsessive compulsive disorders, Edited by Philip John. Published by Elsevier, New Delhi, 2015
- Hema Tharoor & Aparna Goyal “Raloxifene trial in postmenopausal woman with treatment resistant
Schizophrenia” Archives of Women’s Mental Health, July, 2015. DOI 10.1007/s00737-015-0545-9 - Hema Tharoor, Vidhya Mohandoss, Sindhu Maran &Subhashini G “Psychosocial Adjustment in women with Schizophrenia using the tamil version of B-WISE”, Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. June 2015 .DOI 10.1007/s40737-015-0030-9
- Subhashini Gopal & Anthony R Henderson “Trans-cultural study of recovery from severe enduring mental illness in Chennai, India and Perth, Western Australia”, Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. June 2015 . DOI 10.1007/s40737-015-0031-8
- Hema Tharoor & Arthi Raman “Symptoms at onset in first episode schizophrenia- Caregivers perspective”, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2015.37:399-402.
- R Thara, Shantha Kamath, “Women and schizophrenia” Indian Journal of Psychiatry , 2015; 57(Suppl 2):S246-51.
- Nadkarni A, Hanlon C, Bhatia U, Fuhr D, Ragoni C, de Azevedo Perocco SL, Fortes S, Shidhaye R, Kinyanda E, Rangaswamy T, Patel V. “The management of adult psychiatric emergencies in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review”. Lancet Psychiatry. 2015 Jun;2(6):540-7
- Raghavan, D. V. “Co-morbid personality disorders in individuals with alcohol dependence syndrome”. Stanley Medical Journal. 2015; 2(4), 8-9
- Luhrmann TM, Padmavati R, Tharoor H, Osei A. “Hearing Voices in Different Cultures: A Social Kindling Hypothesis”. Topics in Cognitive Science. 2015 Oct;7(4):646-63.
- Grover S, Nebhinani N, Padmavati R, Chadda RK, Tirupati S, Pallava A. Metabolic syndrome in antipsychotic naïve patients with schizophrenia: pooled analysis of data from three Indian studies. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2015 Oct;9(5):357-62.
- Grover S, Avasthi A, Shah S, Lakdawala B, Chakraborty K, Nebhinani N, Kallivayalil RA, Dalal PK, Sinha V, Khairkar P, Mukerjee DG, Thara R, Behere P, Chauhan N, Thirunavukarasu M, Malhotra S. “Indian Psychiatric Society multicentric study on assessment of health-care needs of patients with severe mental illnesses as perceived by their family caregivers and health-care providers”. Indian J Psychiatry. 2015 Apr-Jun;57(2):181-9. doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.158185. PubMed PMID: 26124525; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4462788.
- Grover S, Avasthi A, Shah S, Lakdawala B, Chakraborty K, Nebhinani N, Kallivayalil RA, Dalal PK, Sinha V, Khairkar P, Mukerjee DG, Thara R, Behere P, Chauhan N, Thirunavukarasu M, Malhotra S. “Indian Psychiatric Society multicentric study on assessment of health-care needs of patients with severe mental illnesses”. Indian J Psychiatry. 2015 Jan-Mar;57(1):43-50. doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.148520. PubMed PMID: 25657456; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4314916.
- Hema Tharoor “Adjunctive Ondansetron in Schizophrenia – A Pilot study”, Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2016 . pp. 66-67. DOI information: 10.1016/j.ajp.2015.12.010
- C. Morgan, S. John, O. Esan, M. Hibben, V. Patel, H. Weiss, R. M. Murray, G. Hutchinson, O. Gureje, R. Thara and A. Cohen “The incidence of psychoses in diverse settings,INTREPID (2): a feasibility study in India, Nigeria,and Trinidad” Psychological Medicine 2016 . doi:10.1017/S0033291716000441
- Dhandapani, V. R. (2016). “Organic mania secondary to left arteriovenous malformation”. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 22, 81-82.
- R. Padmavati “Metabolic syndrome, serious mental illnesses & lifestyle” Indian Journal of Medical Research 143, April 2016, pp 395-397
- Hema Tharoor , “Clinical features of Mood disorders” in Mood Disorders Today, (Editor M.Thirunavukarasu), India, Oct 2016
- Cohen A, Padmavati R, Hibben M, Oyewusi S, John S, Esan O, Patel V, Weiss H, Murray R, Hutchinson G, Gureje O, Thara R and Morgan C “Concepts of madness in diverse settings: a qualitative study from the INTREPID project” BMC Psychiatry (2016) 16:388
- GBD 2015 Maternal Mortality Collaborators(Kassebaum NJ . . . Thara R…) Global, regional, and national levels of maternal mortality, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. 2016 Oct 8;388(10053):1775-1812. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31470-2. PubMed PMID: 27733286; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5224694.
- GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators (Wang H … Thara R…) Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. 2016 Oct 8;388(10053):1459-1544. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31012-1. PubMed PMID: 27733281.
- R Thara “Legislative Provisions Related to Marriage and Divorce of Persons With Mental Health Problems: A Global Review “. Int Rev Psychiatry 28 (4), 393-394. 2016 Jul 28.
- Corin E & Padmavati R, “The religious texture of experience in psychosis in India”, in Spirit & Mind , Editors Basu H, Littlewood R, Steinforth AS, pg- 89-110, LIT Verlang, Berlin, 2017
- Koschorke M, Padmavati R, Kumar S, Cohen A, Weiss HA, Chatterjee S, Pereira J, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M, Chavan A, Varghese M, Thara R, Patel V,Thornicroft G. Experiences of stigma and discrimination faced by family caregivers of people with schizophrenia in India. Soc Sci Med. 2017 Feb 1;178:66-77.
- Liu NH, Daumit GL, Dua T, . . ., Rangaswamy T, . . . Saxena S. Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorders: a multilevel intervention framework and priorities for clinical practice, policy and research agendas. World Psychiatry. 2017 Feb;16(1):30-40.
- Luhrman TM & Padmavati R, “Voices that are more benign- The experience of auditory hallucinations in Chennai” in Our Most Troubling madness case studies in schizophrenia across cultures (Editors Luhrmann & Marrow), pg-99-112, University of California Press, Oakland, USA 2016
- Ross G. White, Padmavati Ramachandran , Shuba Kumar “Addressing Mental Health-related Stigma in a Global Context” in The Palgrave Handbook of Sociocultural Perspectives on Global Mental Health , pg 257-283Palgrave Macmillan UK, Feb 2017
- Ravi Sudesh, Priyadarshini Thirunavukkarasu, Preeti Rajendran, Sujit John, Thara Rangasamy, Bryan Mowry, Arasamabattu Kannan Munirajan, “Minor allele C of rs12807809 polymorphism in NRGN contributes to the severity of psychosis in patients with Schizophrenia in South Indian population”, Neuroscience Letters
- R.Thara, Sujit John & Kotteswara Rao “Telemental Health in India” in TMH in Resource Limited Global Settings , Editors Barkil-Oteo & Jefee-Bahloul, Oxford University Press ,April,2017
- Shruti Raghuraman, Sridhar Vaitheswaran, Monisha Lakshminarayanan, Thara R. “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy for Dementia: Pilot Studies of Acceptability and Feasibility of Cultural Adaptation for India”, The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 25 (2017) pp. 1029-1032
- Maran S, Raghavan V, Gopal S, Karpagavalli, Tharoor H.”A 5-year descriptive study of electroconvulsive therapy at SCARF”. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Aug 30;30:107-108. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.08.017. PMID:28869921
- Lamech N, Raghuraman S, Vaitheswaran S, Rangaswamy T. The support needs of family caregivers of persons with dementia in India: Implications for health services. Dementia (London). 2017 Jan 1:1471301217744613. doi: 10.1177/1471301217744613. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 29199451
- Tharoor H, Gopal S, Kar N. English to Tamil translation and linguistic validation of Recovering Quality of Life scale (ReQoL). Journal of Geriatric Care and Research 2017, 4(2): 55-57.
- Manek, R., Moghieb, A., Yang, Z., Kumar, D., Kobessiy, F., Sarkis, G. A., Raghavan, V., Wang, K. K. W. (2017). Protein Biomarkers and Neuroproteomics Characterization of Microvesicles / Exosomes from Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Following Traumatic Brain Injury. Molecular Neurobiology.
- Nongpiur A, Tesia SS, Raghavan V. (2017). Pattern of deliberate self-harm seen at a tertiary teaching hospital in Meghalaya, India. Open J Psychiatry Allied Sci. 2017 Jul 28. [Epub ahead of print]
- Raghavan, V., Ramamurthy, M., & Rangaswamy, T. (2017). Social functioning in individuals with first episode psychosis: One-year follow-up study. Asian Journal of Psychiatry.
- Vijaya Raghavan , Manish Bhomia , Isabel Torres, Sanjeev Jainf, Kevin K. Wang (2017) Hypothesis: Exosomal microRNAs as potential biomarkers for schizophrenia, Medical Hypotheses 103 (2017) 21–25
- Dhwani Kumar, Rachna Manek , Vijaya Raghavan & Kevin K.Wang. Protein Characterization of Extracellular Microvesicles/Exosomes Released from Cytotoxin-Challenged Rat Cerebrocortical Mixed Culture and Mouse N2a Cells, Mol Neurobiol DOI 10.1007/s12035-017-0474-x
- Vijaya Raghavana . Role of exosomes in psychiatric disorders, Asian Journal of Psychiatry 28 (2017) 78–79
- Kevin K. Wang, Zhihui Yang, George Sarkis, Isabel Torres & Vijaya Raghavan (2017): Ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCH-L1) as a therapeutic and diagnostic target in neurodegeneration, neurotrauma and neuro-injuries, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, DOI: 10.1080/14728222.2017.1321635
- Raghavan V, Prevalence of pathological gambling in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome attending a tertiary care center in South India. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Apr;26:92-93. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.01.007. Epub 2017 Jan 22.
- Raghavan V, Mohan G, Gopal S. Felt needs of primary caregivers of individuals with schizophrenia: A study from South India. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Oct;29:1-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.04.007. Epub 2017 Apr 13. PubMed PMID: 29061400.
- Sriram P, Raghavan V. Pheochromocytoma presenting as anxiety disorder: A case report. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 Oct;29:83-84. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2017.05.001. Epub 2017 May 2. PubMed PMID: 29061435.
- Tharoor H, Maran S, Gopal S. Role of novel dietary supplement N-acetyl cysteine in treating negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A 6-Month follow-up study. Indian J Psychol Med 2018; 40: 139-42
- Kurtz MM, Gopal S, John S, Thara R. Cognition, social cognition and functional disability in early-stage schizophrenia: A study from southern India. Psychiatry Research. 2018 Jul; 265: 231-237. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2018.03.091. Epub 2018 Apr 24.PubMed PMID: 29753255.
- Vijayakumar L, John S. Is Hinduism ambivalent about suicide? International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2018 Aug; 64(5):443-449. doi:10.1177/0020764018777523. Epub 2018 May 22. PubMed PMID: 29783869
- Sudesh R, Thalamuthu A, John S, Thara R, Mowry B, Munirajan AK. “Replication of GWAS identified miR-137 and its target gene polymorphisms in Schizophrenia ofSouth Indian population and meta-analysis with Psychiatric Genomics Consortium”.Schizophrenia Research. 2018Sep; 199: 189-194. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2018.03.028. Epub2018 Mar 26. PubMed PMID: 29599094.
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- L. Vijayakumar, Sujit John, A.T. Jotheeswaran, Suicide Among Refugees – The Silent Story (CHAPTER 61) in Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry, Editor – Dinesh Bhugra, Oxford University Press, London (in press)
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- Subhashini Gopal, Hema Tharoor and CN Ramgopal “Feasibility and efficacy of metacognitive training in psychoses”, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. Jan 2019, Vol.5 No. 1, 75-85
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- Sandeep Grover, R. Padmavati, Swapnajeet Sahoo, Subhashini Gopal, Ritu Nehra, Arthi Ganesh, Vijaya Raghavan, Anoop Sankaranarayan. Relationship of metabolic syndrome and neurocognitive deficits in patients with schizophrenia. .Psychiatry Research-neuroimaging. Published on 01 Aug 2019
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- Srinivasan Tirupati, Padmavati Ramachandran, Shuba Kumar, Rani Mohanraj. Cross-cultural differences in recovery from schizophrenia: What to compare?.The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry. Published on 01 Mar 2019
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- Srividya N. Iyer, Megan A. Pope, Gerald Jordan, Greeshma Mohan, Heleen Loohuis ,Padmavati Ramachandran, Thara Rangaswamy, Ashok K. Malla. ShareDisk: A novel visual tool to assess perceptions about who should be responsible for supporting persons with mental health problems. .International Journal of Social Psychiatry. Published on 30 Mar 2020
- Srinivasan Tirupati, Padmavati Ramachandran. Schizophrenia, recovery and the individual-cultural considerations. Australasian Psychiatry. Published on 01 Apr 2020
- Ashok Malla, Srividya N. Iyer, Thara Rangaswamy, Padmavati Ramachandran, Greeshma Mohan, Aarati Taksal , Howard C. Margolese, Norbert Schmitz, Ridha Joober. Comparison of clinical outcomes following 2 years of treatment of first-episode psychosis in urban early intervention services in Canada and India. British Journal of Psychiatry. Published on 01 Sep 2020
- Srividya N. Iyer, Ashok Malla, Aarati Taksal, Anika Maraj , Greeshma Mohan, Padmavati Ramachandran, Howard C. Margolese, Norbert Schmitz, Ridha Joober, Thara Rangaswamy .Context and contact: a comparison of patient and family engagement with early intervention services for psychosis in India and Canada. Psychological Medicine. Published on 28 Sep 2020
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- Seshu, U., Khan, H. A., Bhardwaj, M., Sangeetha, C., Aarthi, G., John, S., … & Raghavan, V. (2020). A qualitative study on the use of mobile-based intervention for perinatal depression among perinatal mothers in rural Bihar, India. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0020764020966003.
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- Anoop Sankaranarayanan, Robin Pratt , Aparna Anoop, Angela Smith, David Espinoza, Padmavati Ramachandran, Srinivasan Tirupati. Serum Lipids and Suicidal Risk among Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Published on 09 Apr 2021
- Naren P. Rao, Padmavati Ramachandran , Arpitha Jacob, A. Albert Joseph, Umesh Thonse, Bhargavi Nagendra ,Dona Maria Chako ,Sahana Shiri, Habla Hassan , Vamsi Sreenivas ,Sindhu Maran , Dwarakanath Durgam, Kiruthika Nandakumar Shivarama Varambally. Bangalore N. Gangadhar. Add on yoga treatment for negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A multi-centric, randomized controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research. Published on 05 Apr 2021
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- Sridhar Vaitheswaran, Graeme Currie, Vijaya Raghavan Dhandapani, Greeshma Mohan, Thara Rangaswamy, Swaran Preet Singh. Implementation of first episode psychosis intervention in India – A case study in a low-and middle-income country, SSM – Mental Health, Volume 1, 2021, 100018, ISSN 2666-5603.
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- Thara Rangaswamy, Pavitra Arunachalam, Vijaya Raghavan, Sujit John, Schizophrenia construct: Quandaries and conundrums in India and LAMIC, Schizophrenia Research,2022, ISSN 0920-9964,
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- Diploma in mental health accredited by NIMHANS, Bangalore
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- Workshops on interventions
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